Concept neurons are the building blocks of memory

Life Sciences - Sep 11
Life Sciences

Bonn researchers clarify the function of specialized nerve cells in memory formation. Specialized nerve cells in the temporal lobe react highly selectively to images and names of a single person or specific objects. Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Bonn have provided direct evidence for the first time that the so-called concept neurons are indeed the building blocks of our memory for experiences.

Life Sciences - Sep 11

How to Live 400 Years

Life Sciences

An international research team has decoded the genome of the longest-lived known vertebrate: the Greenland shark. It is huge and has special repair capabilities.

Chemistry - Sep 10

Fundamental Knowledge for Sustainable Energy


A team of researchers from Jena and Ulm have developed an innovative approach to precisely influence the properties of light-absorbing materials, so-called chromophores. They focused on specific iron compounds, demonstrating that small changes in their chemical structure can control how these compounds react to light. The findings that were promoted by German Research Foundation have been published in the prestigious "Journal of the American Chemical Society".

Life Sciences - Sep 10

How the Butterfly Got Its Pupa

Life Sciences

A research team of scientists from Freie Universität Berlin and Princeton University provide insights into the origins of complete metamorphosis in insects.

Microtechnics - Sep 10

Artificial muscles propel a robotic leg to walk and jump


The newly developed robotic leg is inspired by living creatures and jumps over different terrains much more manoeuvrable and energy-efficiently than previous robots.

Selected Job Offers
Environment - 11.09
Assistent*in Forschung und Lehre im Bereich Gebäudetechnik und Energie 50 -100% Hochschule Luzern - Technik & Architektur, Horw (Luzern)
Computer Science - 02.09
Professor*in/Co-Head - Applied Artificial Intelligence 80-100% Hochschule Luzern - Informatik
Agronomy/Food Science - 22.08
Doktorand/in soziale Nachhaltigkeit Agroscope, 8356 Ettenhausen
Life Sciences - 19.08
Staff Research Scientist - Biostatistics and Quantitative Genetics Agroscope, 8820 Wädenswil
Employers of the Week